Be Happy 

What makes you smile? Warm on the inside? Light up with glee? 

For some it might be a walk in nature, or gazing at beautiful  scenery. Perhaps for you it is a the company of another person, a bubble bath or delicious ripe fruit.

The next question is, when was the last time we did something to generate that feeling of joy?

Sure, happiness is a choice. It is not based on material things or giving yourself a treat.However, stimulating that spirit of happy, and all that brings about that feeling actually assists in making the choice of happiness a habit.


Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.  – Jim Rohn


Happiness lowers stress levels, increases immune health, and lowers the risk of disease. Living in happiness and joy makes everything just a little better.
We then become living examples. We are more able to give love to others and share joy when in fact, that is what we are experiencing for ourselves.


Today’s Effort-Building Happy Blocks

Choose to do at least one pleasurable thing per day. This is a powerful tool to protect against stress, boredom, and sadness.

Make a “Love ” list.

Start a list of all the things you love. Add to it as more comes to mind.

Schedule personal time.

Take a look at your day and how your time is spent. Decide a place where a little self-care will fit it and keep there on a regular basis.

Treat yourself as one who deserves the best. One can only hope that love truly does prevail, and that the nature of happiness comes as freely as we will welcome it. into our lives.

Here’s a treat to bring a smile to your face – make a little extra and enjoy with a friend!

Cheers to you!

Mango Cream Smoothie


1 cup frozen mango
1/4 orange juice
1 tablespoon or a big squeeze of lemon juice
1/2 large frozen banana
1/4 coconut milk or cream
1 teaspoon maple syrup (optional)
shredded coconut (optional)


Place mango chunks, orange and lemon juice into blender.  Blend well, until smooth. Pour contents into a bowl, or large mug and set aside. Place coconut milk, banana and maple syrup into blender and blend until smooth. Add to your mango bowl, swirling it in.
Top with the coconut flakes. Enjoy!

Be proud of yourself!

In Joy,


Join us every Sunday for the next edition of Starting Your Week Strong.

Learn about effort you can make in last weeks’ blog  Mother Nature Knows Best

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Are you curious about how to harmonize your health goals and fit wellness into your busy schedule?  Contact me today for more information about Today’s Effort Health Coaching.

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